266983 Josepbosch asteroid

                                Commemorative poster

The MPC assigned on December 4, 2010 a new discovery to the Santa Maria Observatory : 2010 WE66 in 20.2 magnitude, found in images taken on November 29 and no confirmed by the author but another observatory. Absolute magnitude (H) = 15.2 which means a diameter of up to 6 kilometers. This is my larger asteroid. On December 28 the MPC announced that 2010 WE66 was the asteroid 2009 SN239, however main designation for my assignation 2010 WE66 remained. On December 31 the MPC was found it five oppositions and the uncertainty parameter (U) reached a value of 0. On February 20, 2011 was numbered as 266983 and on May 17, 2011 was named as Josepbosch, after my son Josep Bosch Olivera, born in 1983 in Bellpuig, Catalonia, Spain. He works as monitor of clinical trials and pharmacovigilance technician.

This name was request by Robert McMillan, principal investigator of the Spacewatch Project, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, because the asteroid was really first seen on November 30, 2005 by Spacewatch Project at Steward Observatory. Thank you very much, Bob.

Citation for (266983)
The following citation is from MPC 75106:
(266983) Josepbosch = 2010 WE66
Josep Bosch (born 1983) is the second son of Josep M. Bosch, the main observer at the Santa Maria de Montmagastrell Observatory. As a researcher at the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, he monitors clinical trials.

See also:

Image taken on May 6, 2013